Here are some ways you can get involved in San Francisco and beyond using Women's March and Whisper Voice Roar principles.
Call your senators!
For an example of what to say and a list of senators by zip code, click here. For guidelines and potential topics, scroll to the bottom of this page.
Send a postcard!
Use this template to express your concerns and encourage your representatives to take action.
Turn your texts into action!
Resistbot will automatically turn your text into letters or faxes that get sent to your representatives in Congress - completely free.
Attend a town hall meeting!
Weigh in on important issues and share your personal stories. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to successfully prepare and engage.
One of the most important things you can do - VOTE!
If you're not registered yet (or if you know someone else who needs to register in California) you can do it here.
Host a voter registration drive!​
Reach even more people in your community by setting up a table at a local event or canvassing door-to-door in your neighborhood.
Mark your calendars!​
Find out upcoming local and state election dates here.
Work with local media!​
Follow these tips for how to get press to cover your event, and check out this article on how to give a media interview.
Become an immigrant ally!​
Download this toolkit to learn how and click here for additional recommendations.
Keep fighting for the Affordable Care Act!​
Use this document to make sure that your representatives are committed not only to upholding the ACA as a law but supporting it as a means for affordable health care coverage.
Defend the environment!​
Use this document to address urgent recess week priorities and demand that your Members of Congress protect the climate, fully fund the EPA, and protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Spread awareness!​
The best way to support the causes you care about is by talking about them. Keep a dialogue going with the people in your life who can help make a difference!
Always leave your name and zip code (if you want to leave your address that is a plus).
Only talk about one issue per call, because the person taking the message has a form to fill in. If you have several issues, make several calls.
Say why you feel the way you do- if you have a personal story to the issue, even better! That way you become more than just a number (even though we need you as a number too).
Ask them to use their media channels to condemn the attacks on Muslims that have been happening all over our country. Our president is not setting a good example, and we need to know that our senators and representatives are offended and opposed to this violence.
Call our Secretary of State, Alex Padilla: (916) 653-6814. Say the following: "I’m a resident of California and want to know what my Secretary of State is doing to increase voter participation. I would like to see our state copy Oregon’s model of voting by mail and automatic DMV voter registration. At the very least, I want better options for mail-in voting, more polling stations, and increased hours. What will it take for this to be on his/her agenda?"
Call Senators Harris and Feinstein to say the following: "I am from [zip code] and am deeply disturbed by the AP report showing US forces are complicit in the torture and disappearances of detainees in Yemen. The story shows that US forces are questioning Yemenis, possibly after they've been tortured, and giving questions to Emirati officials who may ask them under torture. This is unconscionable and un-American. I am asking Sen./Rep. [name] first to speak to house/senate leadership about this issue, and secondly, to introduce legislation that requires 'interrogation assignments' to require a classified briefing of Armed Services committee. Thank you."
Advocate for an independent investigation and a special prosecutor after the firing of the FBI Director.
Stand with Native people in defending the sacred Big Ears National Monument: